Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Difference Between Boucheries And Charcutrie What Is The Difference Between Society And Culture?

What is the difference between society and culture? - difference between boucheries and charcutrie

In history, these words are used very frequently, and I know that there is a distinct difference between society and culture, but I can not blame him. I asked my friends what is the difference, but can not put into words. Can anyone out there help me? And I do not seek answers to three words. If I could explain exactly what you mean, as he explains the difference, really appreciate it. Yahoo Answers sometimes creates manure.

Everyone has something to look up in the dictionary. I want the difference between society and culture are words I can understand, explains.


Nunitak said...

I am a writer who uses these words. I have not looked in the dictionary - you say that my own approach.

For me, the deep historical culture has more on this one factor (time) and is very, very broad, even if it applies to a particular group. This means that the style or styles of this group in nearly all tasks, especially as they were passed down from generation to generation. Including art, education, construction, education, religion, food, clothing, literature, science, morality, ....

In addition, the Company has the word a lot to do with government structures. Yes, they have a certain depth in time, but I am thinking more about laws, standards of conduct, constitution, formal alliances, associations, subdivisions, family, men, women, labor, clergy, clubs, NGOs, City, County, The State of the Commonwealth, a common goal, the rules of order, the objectives of reform - social and everything, something to do, is something more abstract concepts of culture.

But I do admit to a certain mix of both.

Multicultural societies are: United States
Someone can be "socially uneducated" - probably describe me at an early age.

Hmmmm. I think that is enough, except to say that a company must be new, as the United States, already. But the culture has deep roots and almost never less than a tragic event, as in The Lord of the Flies, where you really started from scratch. Lack of sharing of knowledge and style, a new culture - if they survive.

drshorty said...

The company is the group of people to whom you speak. Another word for the company would be "civilization", the "population" or simply "group". When people say things like: "Society is really down," referring to the society in which we live

Culture is a set of beliefs and cultural practices that correspond to the usual practice in a particular group of people. For example, a natural part of the culture of greeting behavior of a person. In my region, the United States, for example, which most people do not kiss when they greet each other, but in Mexico it is common for friends to kiss, when to greet them. This is an example of a situation in which culture is people say, what to do, dictated the cultural practices of the Company.

It is important to distinguish between two definitions of culture. I have given above is what is often called "small-c described culture." A different kind of culture, sometimes called "big-c" culture, based on a company's products, including things like art and music. Although these products you can get an overview of the basic values and attitudes of a group, not the culture in the sense that the way I described above.

Hope this helps! Feel free to add details, if you have further questions.

spiritua... said...

U.S. persons, groups of society. They shake hands and say hello culture
India-peole groups in society. Dual hands and say, Namaste Culture
--- Japanese people-society groups, where the welcome arch of the waist down to culture.
There is a group, the other is an action.

kairi said...

In my opinion, the Company may, subject to a structural unit to collect a similar organization of people who live to communicate, to share common interests and ideas, the culture as a characteristic that may be considered acceptable limits of behavior confined to a particular group of people.

Visit the links that might help to understand better.


Good luck!

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